Psychic Readings

Laurie is able to perceptively channel intuitive information from Spirit as a means to assist or understand past, present, or future life choices, situations, blocks, and decisions.

Laurie is often asked if she will impart scary information, and the truth is, she will provide you what Spirit presents to her, in accordance to what needs addressing.

While the information may not meet your hopes or desires, the information will be what is needed. Could this be scary? Perhaps, especially if you enter a session with a defined idea of what you expect to hear. So, open-mindedness and open-heartedness are key to the success of any good session.

Laurie upholds rigid ethical boundaries. She will NEVER discuss impending death for yourself or loved ones, even when the request is made.

Additionally, Laurie is not a finder of lost items, people, pets, or a past life reader.
